07 March 2001


4th International Information Hiding Workshop

Holiday Inn University Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

25 - 27 April 2001

"Many researchers are interested in hiding information or, conversely, in preventing others from doing so. As the need to protect digital intellectual property grows ever more urgent, this research is of increasing interest to both the academic and business communities. Current research themes include: copyright marking of digital objects, covert channels in computer systems, detection of hidden information, subliminal channels in cryptographic protocols, low-probability-of-intercept communications, and various kinds of anonymity services ranging from steganography through anonymous communication to digital elections. An international workshop on Information Hiding held in 1996 at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge (Springer LNCS 1174) brought together these closely linked areas of study. The workshop proved to be a success, and the research community followed it up with a second one in 1998 in Portland (Springer LNCS 1525) and a third one in 1999 in Dresden (Springer LNCS 1768). "

Program committee:

Ross Anderson (Cambridge University, UK)
David Aucsmith (Intel Corp, USA)
Jean-Paul Linnartz (Philips Research, Netherlands)
Steven Low (California Institute of Technology, USA)
John McHugh (SEI/CERT, USA) -
General Chair Ira Moskowitz (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) -
Program Chair Fabien Petitcolas (Microsoft Research, UK)
Andreas Pfitzmann (Dresden University of Technology, Germany)
Jean-Jacques Quisquater (Universit'e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Mike Reiter (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, USA)
Michael Waidner (IBM Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland)

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